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Release notes 29

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Cover for release notes article of a food delivery provider

We have focused this release on three areas: improving the delivery experience for the customer experience, managing restaurants for vendors, and managing the business model for the partners.

1. Added an alternative delivery method for customers - Takeaway

What if the customer is walking near his favorite restaurant and wants to takeaway his order himself? It is for such cases that we have added an alternative delivery method - takeaway. This is also great news for partners who do not have couriers yet.

Food delivery mobile apps ecosystem

2. Do it easily Enable \ Disable the restaurant in the Vendor app

Things go wrong? The manager can stop taking orders with a few taps in the app. Fixed a problem in a restaurant? The manager just as easily returns the restaurant back to the catalog.

Food delivery mobile apps ecosystem

3. Alert for employees (the manager who takes orders) of the restaurant in the Vendor application

Noise restaurant environment needs a special approach. When messages can’t reach restaurant employees the device starts ringing as a phone call 🔔

Food delivery mobile apps ecosystem

4. Choosing a business model for a marketplace сommission.

Restaurants want to be in your food delivery service, but don't want to pay you a commission?

Now, this will not be a problem for you, because we have added a new feature to the admin panel - Marketplace markup. You can choose with this feature, who pays the commission, the restaurant, or the customer.

Food delivery Vendors Panel screenshot

Food delivery vendors panel screenshot

Food delivery mobile app screenshot

5. Sort restaurants by distance

We have added sorting by the distance of restaurants to costumers. Customers see the closest restaurants with the cheapest delivery first.

Food delivery platform's Settings panel screenshot

Food delivery mobile app improvements

6. Split VAT invoice into 2 parts (from Vendor / Marketplace)

Your legal conditions require you to send a separate invoice for the service and products - easy. Just enable the option of split invoice.

Food delivery Settings panel


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