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Release notes 33

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Cover for release notes of a food delivery software provider

Happy to announce the latest updates in all-in-one food and grocery delivery platform – Playfood. Each month our team improves the apps according to partner’s comments, business objectives and end-users requests. In the February release we’ve improved phone number entry for customers and added some features and UX updates to a customer application field. But let’s discuss the features below in more details!

1. Advanced promo-notifications in Onde Passengers app

With this feature you can create marketing push notifications on Firebase and send them to the Onde Customer App to promote a food delivery marketplace and exact restaurants. Firebase has pre-made templates, where you can choose an image, audience (apple/android customers), date of campaign, link it with the exact screen and preview the whole push notification. If customers click on a notification, they will open the correct deep-linked screen.

How to use it for your business:

  • promote your newly launched business vertical – food delivery marketplace;

  • restaurant which offer discounts;

  • promote upcoming restaurants;

  • share promo-codes/discounts for the 1st order to transfer customers from taxi app to delivery app.

Example of an in-app notification message in the food delivery app

2. Visual customization and custom localization

Playfood’s demo apps are built with efficient UX/UI design and provide a really pleasant customer experience. We `re ready to help you launch a meal or grocery delivery business immediately. But if you have marketing, regional or industry-specific requirements, we are here to customize it for you.

Our designers team will assist to create a visual design of your applications and apps and customize all notifications and copy.

Food delivery mobile app screenshots

(Here is an example of our partner ULTRA LIQUOR STORE)

3. Different modes for split payments in Stripe system

Playfood’s system now offers two ways of linking a vendor with a Stripe payment sub-accounts for split card payments in the admin panel:

  • manual mode (create and link sub-account by ID manually);

  • automatic mode (create stripe sub-account on saving of vendor legal details automatically).

So, now you can create Stripe sub-accounts for your vendors manually or automatically, or in general configure some vendors without any splits.

Administrator panel screenshot

Administrator panel screenshot

4. Extra fee: opportunity to setup transaction and services fees

First of all, this feature gives you an opportunity to improve your unit-economy. There are different strategies of gaining profit: you can set up different costs for order delivery or restaurant commission and find the most advantageous ratio. But now you also can:

  • cover payment system transactions and other fees on behalf of customers;

  • charge customers extra money for your service and make additional profit.

Secondary, can use this feature to direct the flow of orders from cash to online payment for example: the customers will prefer online payment if a cash option is more expensive.

Settings panel screenshot

Food delivery platform Settings panel screenshot

That's all for today, stay tuned!


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